Financial Library

Who is your Trusted Contact Person?

Monica was alarmed to hear from her mother's financial advisor expressing concern over some unusual financial requests. She called her mom, who seemed fine, but Monica couldn't get the conversation with the financial advisor out of her head. She travelled to see her mom in person and was dismayed to discover numerous unpaid bills and an uncompleted tax return. Her mother had always been very meticulous about money, so something was off. Monica's concerns turned out to be well-founded. Within a few months, her mother was diagnosed with dementia.

Tips and Traps for Handling Estates

Here are some common TIPS Canadians should consider when assisting family members with handling their financial affairs while alive. And some common TRAPS that may occur once an Executor is working on distributing the Estate assets to the heirs.

It is a common practice to have all of Mom's or Dad's bank accounts set up in joint name with an adult child. This allows the child to clear out the bank accounts when Mom or Dad passes, and to avoid Probate (Letters of Administration etc.).

Avoid These Financial Mistakes

Managing personal finances effectively is crucial for long-term financial stability and security. However, many consumers often fall prey to common financial mistakes that can hinder their progress and lead to unnecessary stress. By understanding these pitfalls and taking proactive steps to avoid them, individuals can make smarter financial decisions and pave the way for a more prosperous future.

In this article, we will highlight seven common financial mistakes that consumers should be aware of and provide practical tips on how to avoid them.

Estate Planning Saves You Money

When it comes to your estate, it is important to consider giving some thought to how you want to distribute your assets, household goods and other gifts to your heirs as you contemplate your other matters in life. This, including tax planning, is what lawyers refer to as Estate Planning, which can be a simple or complex matter depending upon your specific situation and the needs of your heirs. So why bother to worry about having Wills, Powers of Attorney and Living Wills or Medical Directives updated to reflect your hopes, wishes and personal values?
